Programs /
Team Coaching Program

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Team Coaching Program

Helping teams to achieve improvements that they have only imagined

The Team Coaching Program improves the value and quality of health and social systems of care to help and coach frontline interdisciplinary clinical and supporting microsystems with knowledge, processes and tools including the Microsystem Improvement Process (MIP). The program is grounded in multiple disciplines, theories, and original research focused on cultivating improvement and group dynamic capabilities, especially valuable during times of uncertainty and challenge. The discipline of team coaching builds on Edgar Schein's wisdom in "helping" rather than "telling" what to do. Engaging in dialogue based on curiosity and humble inquiry to develop supportive relationships, explore new possibilities, innovate, and assess desired improvements is core to the program.

The Program is an intensive, dynamic, and highly interactive 6-part series that offers a unique curriculum that blends the art and science of team coaching, improvement science including measurement and effective communication and team-building knowledge and skills. The applied theory of team coaching comes to life with the coach learning to help individual team members successfully work together to achieve their improvement goals. This program provides the overview and the individual components of the three phases of "The Team Coaching Model." Each participant will benefit from group and one on one learning with an assigned faculty member.

Coaches in Training (CITS) in this program will learn:

  • Fundamentals in applied clinical microsystem theory and practice.
  • A structured organized process (The Team Coaching Model) for coaching interprofessional teams who are working to improve healthcare, communication, relationships, and team dynamics.
  • Team coaching skills and capabilities to advance leadership.
  • To develop an individualized coaching plan for personal and professional development as a team coach

Who should take this Program?

Anyone interested in helping and coaching improvement teams including:

  • Coaches of teams
  • Improvement team leaders or facilitators
  • Health professional educators
  • Leaders/managers at all levels
  • Patients and Families
  • Quality Improvement staff

Program Completion:

Participants who complete the program receive a certificate, a digital badge and a waived application fee for the Novice 1 Coaching Credential with the submission of a resume or cv.

Program Materials:

Required Books (to be purchased by the participant)

  1. Quality by Design. Nelson, Batalden, Godfrey, 2007
  2. Value by Design, Nelson, Batalden, Godfrey, Lazar, 2011
  3. Listening Well: The Art of Empathic Understanding. Miller, 2018
  4. Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos. Wheeler, 2000
  5. Helping: How to Offer, Give and Receive Help. Schein, 2011
  6. Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling, 2nd Edition. Schein, Schein, 2020
  7. The TEAM Handbook, Third Edition. Scholtes, Joiner, Streibel, 2003

Please contact us to learn about other strongly recommended books for managers/leaders, consultants/facilitators, LEAN Six Sigma organizations, data/measurement, learning organizations and other optional resources.

Participants are expected to have access to a personal computer, updated software, and reliable internet access. Online learning sessions are conducted via ZOOM, and participants are strongly encouraged to use a web camera during all online learning sessions. Participants will have access to course materials and upload assignments via a learning management platform such as Canvas.

I now see coaching as helping the team to understand their microsystem, determine what's important for patients, families, and staff and figure out how to bring excellence to their unit. Ownership and accountability for the outcomes of the unit lie with the members of the microsystem and the coach's role is to support them towards independently being able to continuously improve.
- Past Participant

Team Coaching Program Fall 2025

Registration Deadline: July 10, 2025

Times subject to change based on time zones of participants.

Session 1 (Virtual):

Thursday, July 31, 2025, 2-5:30 pm ET
Aim: Intro to series and microsystem, develop effective meeting skills, assessing the 5Ps in Pre Phase
Overview of Team Coaching Program, Effective Meeting Skills, Assessing the 5Ps in Pre Phase

Session 2 (In-person):
Primary Care Children's Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah

Plan on arriving Monday August 25th. Please note: travel and in-person costs are not included in the registration rate.
Tuesday, August 26, 2025
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, August 27, 2025
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, August 28, 2025
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday August 29, 2025
8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Social gathering evening of Monday August 25th

Aim: Onsite session where coaches-in-training (CITS) continue developing learned skills and new skills to support microsystems. Intro to measurement and formation of coaching network.
Team Coaching Model, Effective Meeting Skills, 5Ps, Global & Specific Aim, Fishbones, Flowcharts, Measurement

Session 3 (Virtual):

Thursday, September 25, 2025 2-5:30 pm ET

Aim: CITs continue to learn and implement new skills, continue measurement/data collection
Helping discussion, Run charts, Reframing, PEARLS, Active Listening, Managing Up/ Elevator Speeches

Session 4 (Virtual):

Thursday, October 30, 2025 2-5:30 pm ET

Aim: Sharing Team Coaching Program knowledge with leaders/organizations. Leadership reflection on progress and continue measurement/data work.
Managing Up/M3, Compare & Contrast of Team Coaching Experience

Session 5 (Virtual):

Thursday, December 4, 2025 2-5:30 pm ET
CITs develop transition tools, playbooks, evaluations, data sharing, and celebration.
Review Team Coaching Model, PDSA/SDSA, Playbooks, Final Deliverables, Welcome New Members, Virtual Coaching, Compare & Contrast of Team Coaching Experience


Team Coaching Program Spring 2026

Registration Deadline: December 1, 2025

Times subject to change based on time zones of participants.

Session 1 (Virtual):

Thursday, January 29, 2026 2-5:30 pm ET
Aim: Intro to series and microsystem, develop effective meeting skills, assessing the 5Ps in Pre Phase
Overview of Team Coaching Program, Effective Meeting Skills, Assessing the 5Ps in Pre Phase

Session 2 (In-person, Orlando Florida):

Please note: travel and in-person costs are not included in the registration rate. Please plan on arriving Monday, March 2, 2026.
Tuesday, March 3, 2026
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, March 4, 2026
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, March 5, 2026
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday, March 6, 2026
8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Social gathering evening of Monday March 2.

Aim: Onsite session where coaches-in-training (CITS) continue developing learned skills and new skills to support microsystems. Intro to measurement and formation of coaching network.
Team Coaching Model, Effective Meeting Skills, 5Ps, Global & Specific Aim, Fishbones, Flowcharts, Measurement

Session 3 (Virtual):

Thursday, April 9, 2026 2-5:30 pm ET
Aim: CITs continue to learn and implement new skills, continue measurement/data collection
Helping discussion, Run charts, Reframing, PEARLS, Active Listening, Managing Up/ Elevator Speeches

Session 4 (Virtual):

Thursday, May 14, 2026 2-5:30 pm ET

Aim: Sharing Team Coaching Program knowledge with leaders/organizations. Leadership reflection on progress and continue measurement/data work.
Content/Topics: Managing Up/M3, Compare & Contrast of Team Coaching Experience

Session 5 (Virtual):

Thursday, June 18, 2026 2-5:30 pm ET
Aim: CITs develop transition tools, playbooks, evaluations, data sharing, and celebration.
Review Team Coaching Model, PDSA/SDSA, Playbooks, Final Deliverables, Welcome New Members, Virtual Coaching, Compare & Contrast of Team Coaching Experience


Team Coaching Program Fall 2026

Registration Deadline: June 1, 2026

Times subject to change based on time zones of participants.

Session 1 (Virtual):

Thursday, August 3, 2026 2-5:30 pm ET
Aim: Intro to series and microsystem, develop effective meeting skills, assessing the 5Ps in Pre Phase
Content/Topics: Overview of Team Coaching Program, Effective Meeting Skills, Assessing the 5Ps in Pre Phase

Session 2 (In-person- TBD):

Please note: travel and in-person costs are not included in the registration rate. Please plan on arriving Monday,September 28, 2026.

Tuesday, September 29, 2026
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, September 30, 2026
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 1, 2026
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday, October 2, 2026
8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Social gathering evening of Monday September 28.

Onsite session where coaches-in-training (CITS) continue developing learned skills and new skills to support microsystems. Intro to measurement and formation of coaching network.
Content/Topics: Team Coaching Model, Effective Meeting Skills, 5Ps, Global & Specific Aim, Fishbones, Flowcharts, Measurement

Session 3 (Virtual):

Thursday, November 5 , 2026 2-5:30 pm ET
CITs continue to learn and implement new skills, continue measurement/data collection
Helping discussion, Run charts, Reframing, PEARLS, Active Listening, Managing Up/ Elevator Speeches

Session 4 (Virtual):

Thursday, December 10, 2026 2-5:30 pm ET
Sharing Team Coaching Program knowledge with leaders/organizations. Leadership reflection on progress and continue measurement/data work.
Managing Up/M3, Compare & Contrast of Team Coaching Experience

Session 5 (Virtual):

Thursday, January 14, 2027 2-5:30 pm ET
Aim: CITs develop transition tools, playbooks, evaluations, data sharing, and celebration.
Review Team Coaching Model, PDSA/SDSA, Playbooks, Final Deliverables, Welcome New Members, Virtual Coaching, Compare & Contrast of Team Coaching Experience