About Us

Our Vision & Mission


Partnering with complex health and social systems to help populations live a good life in a good place.


Developing and enhancing leadership, practice, improvement, innovation and research capabilities for interprofessional learners and teams.


AT The Microsystem Academy , WE:

  • Use applied microsystem theory and action research to explore models of practice, leadership development, and team coaching that enable problem-solving, sustainable improvement based on science, and experiential learning.
  • Prepare interprofessional learners to be the future workforce through educational, leadership and team coaching programs that leverage applied and deliberate learning between practice and research.
  • Develop meaningful relationships with healthcare providers, patients, their families, and communities.
  • Meet systems, teams, patients, their families, learners and communities where they are with customized programs that acknowledge their experiences and unique contexts.
  • Offer core programs (Team Coaching Program, Team Communication and Relationships Program, Relational Coordination Workshop and Resilience and Wellbeing Program) and co-designed customized programs.
  • Develop national and international Learning Health System networks to connect leading thinkers and doers


Improving and disseminating new knowledge widely so others may easily benefit

Excellent customer service provided to exceed expectations by evaluating our work and rapidly incorporating new learning

Honoring the diverse contexts, cultures and needs of the healthcare professionals that we work with

Seeking equity, inclusion and collaboration in health and social systems to co-design and improve population health

Seeking to advance knowledge of continuous sustainable improvement with interprofessional populations across all levels of health and social systems