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PLEASE NOTE: As part of the 603 Challenge (April 8-12, 2024), IEHSS is raising funds to cover materials fees for UNH nursing students who register for this course that prepares students to engage in new innovations in care models now and in the future. Click here to donate.

An Emerging Nursing Model: The Virtual Nurse Within Teams

This new, asynchronous course will examine the essential role the virtual nurse plays in meeting patients’ wholistic health care needs. It provides practicing RNs and nursing students with the concepts essential to understanding and implementing virtual nursing care models in the acute care setting. In practice student learners will explore the foundations of the virtual care nursing care team and identify ways to build trusted relationships with their patients and teams in a virtual care setting.

What sets this virtual course apart is the inclusion of theoretical frameworks of care delivery models (Watson’s Caring Science, O’Rourke Role-Based Professional Practice) and practices to become a more effective communicator, manage conflict, and identify ways to work collaboratively within the hybrid interprofessional team (Schein, Gittell's Relational Coordination).

Join us to take an exciting step in your career and open the door to new opportunities.

Gay Landstrom , PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, FACHE, PCC, FAAN
Senior VP and CNO, Trinity Health,
Adjunct Research Professor, UNH Department of Nursing
Member, Quality Health Care Expert Panel, American Academy of Nursing (AAN)

Ann McDonald-Upton, MBA, BSN, RN, FACHE, CEC
VP, TogetherTeam Change Leadership, Trinity Health

Read more about the implementation of virtual nursing at Trinity Health.

Marjorie M. Godfrey, PhD, MS, BSN, FAAN
Research Professor, UNH Department of Nursing
Founding Executive Director, Institute for Excellence in Health and Social Systems (IEHSS)
Vice-Chair, Quality Health Care Expert Panel, AAN

Gene Harkless, DNSc, APRN, FNP-BC, CNL, FAANP
Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Nursing, UNH

Date Options (8-week course):
Term 5: May 28-July 19, 2024
Term 1: August 26-October 18, 2024
Term 2: October 28-December 20, 2024
Term 4: March 24-May 16, 2025
Term 5: May 27-July 18, 2025

Practicing RNS and students who complete the course receive the following:
Microcredential - Digital Badge
UNH Credit Possible (email for more information)

Learn more: Email IEHSS.ADMIN@UNH.EDU